tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile on different networking sites even in mobile phones raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. But who’s the criminal mind like behind deez, I mean this? jejeje..
They are having a weird relationship with the caps lock key. Their love with the letter ‘Z’ is on the edge of extremity. They abnormally create awkward contractions like the word “aq” for “ako”. Syllables: “po” becomes “poh.”. This really looks different but in their manner it’s the same. They will probably be the first to use “LOLZ” as their own punctuation marks.
But who are they? They are called the JEJEMONS. They are extremely simple people transformed into another species of human being that hits the keyboard and mobile keypads charmingly odd like this:
MhanY TeNkz tO aLL my FriEndZZ, and tO aLL mY EnEMiEz, LuV KoH KaYoz! SarAP nG MoCha FraPpez za KaTiPzZ, BhuT guyZzZ, dHid yU Miz Mi? AqoH PoH Miz koH nA KeOh!
or in messengers":
miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!
You: Huh?
miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!
You: You are a jejemon! Don’t talk to me, you uneducated retard!
miszMaldiTahh111: T_T