
McDonalds in India, No Beefs


Would you believe that the  world's largest fast-food chain is rapidly making inroads into the potentially huge market - all without selling a single beefburger???

During my stay here in Singapore, I learned the news about it and the moment I heard it, I’ve researched it to write something informative for everybody which doesn’t know it.

Four years after McDonald's first opened in India, it appears to have gained acceptance in a country deeply aware both of price of food, and the taboos that can surround it.

Its Indian outlets cater to some 3.2 million customers a month, steering clear of beef and pork products and using egg-free mayonnaise.


India is the world's vegetarian paradise. Nearly all of the one billion people living in India eat meat only occasionally, or not at all. Beef never shows up on the menu. India is home to the Hindu religion, which preaches non-violence. Believers fear the karmic consequences of harming other creatures.

But what would most Indian kids know as a hamburger, isn't really a hamburger. Still, it doesn't make it healthy for you. Even veggie burgers get bad raps. "The patty is deep fried, there's loads of cheese and mayonnaise, the bun used is made with refined flour," says Krishnaswamy. "The only healthy part is the lettuce leaf and the tomato and the cucumber and what little salad is used."

So, could eggplant milkshakes and McTurnips be next?  animal-power-and-mcdonalds.half

The elephant in the room there is obviously the cow, the animal that McDonald’s built its empire on, but not a popular source of meat in India. To fight this, McDonald’s fuses its India menu with local flavors – McCurry Pan, Pizza McPuff (basically a Hot Pocket), and India’s Big Mac, the Chicken Maharaja Mac – a strategy shared by its other international restaurants.

Wanted to see McDonald’s India Menu?? Click Me <=

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