
Cat Brutality, Animal Cruelty, Ampon the Cat


This is the story of "Ampon" a very sweet domesticated male cat owned by Edelyn Esteban’s (my officemate) family. The cat was stabbed twice on April 28, 2010 around 3am and died at 10am at the animal clinic, almost 7 hours of suffering. They found out that the cat will not survive because his vital organs were wounded. After 30 minutes at the clinic Ampon died. Veterinarian said that Ampon suffered in shock and in real pain. Pictures showed here that Ampon is still alive, breathing his last breath.

According to Edelyn, Ampon was adopted a year ago, because his formerly owner always keeps him in cage. Ampon was a white cat with blues eyes. He’s very sweet  and tamed, when he begs for food he will surely make a way to get your attention. He loves to eat and sleep. 04282010126

Morning about 4am Edelyn’s aunt saw Ampon lying under the table and was cutted open showing his intestine out of his body. Ampon is still concious because he can still walk. He went to the doorstep of his owner house and lay there. As if he was waiting for his owner to see him.

Neighbourhood narrated, Ampon was walking in the middle of the night and someone saw him. The murderer grab Ampons head and stabbed his stomach, Ampon fell in agony, he was stabbed again causing his intestine go out of his body.

How can a man do this, He still walking around like nothing happens, and still have guts to say that he killed a cat, “oh well it JUST A CAT”. If he can do this to a helpless cat, what else can he do?

04282010127 Please help give justice to what happened to Ampon, makes Ampon voice be heard. We want hundreds of signatures or just comment in here. Please spread the story to all your friends so they will know that this really happened.  You can also share this link to reach right authority to provide justice that we need.


1 comment:

  1. 12 years minimal time

    new politicians should implement
    animal abuse as a severe criminal offense like in the U.S. the son of b*tch was probably drunk or under the influence of drugs.


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